Friday, December 16, 2016

Garfield bay Dario


Do you know about Garfield? Well, now I´m going to introduce you to Garfield.  He´s a cat and he´s big and fat. 

Resultado de imagen de garfield

He was born on the 19th of June, 1978. He likes sleeping. He sleeps all day.
Resultado de imagen de garfield

Resultado de imagen de garfield eating lasagnaGarfield loves  eating. He adores lasagne, it is his favourite food. Garfield doesnt like Mondays, spiders and diets.

Resultado de imagen de garfieldHe is very famous. A lot of people read about Garfield in over 2.600 newspapers all around the world. About 263 million people read about Garfield every day.

He´s a TV  star and a film star, too. Garfield had a TV serie and in 2004 and 2006 he starred in two films.
Resultado de imagen de garfield en real